You will not find more competitive prices
for more complete services anywhere!
The Economy has changed, and this
refreshing approach for the Job Seeker
and Hiring Company eliminates the
excuse for not getting a job or not finding
a new employee. We have eliminated the
expensive costs associated with this
process and streamlined the process.

For the Job Seeker
The objective of this aspect of our company Career Services
Express is to provide the necessary resume writing and career
services for every individual to have the ability to obtain a job!
The price structure through Career Express is extremly agressive
through the automation process and input by the Job Seeker.

For the Hiring Company
Very agressive price structures for Human Resources services
including: Internet Job Posting at $50 for 90 days and full
Recruiting Services at 5% and less are available for every
requirement for the company employee selection for entry-level
to Chief Executive Officer level. Complete Outplacement Services
are from $28.50 a month.

In The opinion of The Original Résumé Company, there is no
excuse for not finding a job today if the appropriate résumé is
created and the appropriate job search process is put into place.
Without the knowledge and experience, plan on taking 3 to 6
months to understand how to find a job and get your talents
exposed to the marketplace. We reduce that time to 5 to 10
business AND within your budget, that is the bottom line.

The Career Express web site is offered to the individual that
requires the basic job hunting service to obtain a position with
absolute minimum expense. This puts the job search process at
your pace with all the tools to find a new job. We make you your
own Recruiter! Special price packages have been arranged for
selected individual employment level categories depending on the
typical level of experience in the job market, specific
requirements, current employment situation and career objective.

We want to emphasize that this site offers career services for
the budget conscious individual where the absolute minimum
expense in the job search is required. We offer full and more
extensive résumé writing, recruiting and career services guidance
through our full services at our office locations, via the fax and
telephone. If an individual requires more extensive job search
advice and services and résumé writing contact one of our
offices at The Original Résumé Company. A professional résumé
marketing company providing job seeker assistance and recruiting
since 1988.
The Original Résumé Company
296 Chelmsford Street
East Gate Plaza
Chelmsford, MA 01824
978 250 9825
FAX: 978 250 9824
Thomas Gove, Manager

The Original Résumé Company
1105 Lakeview Avenue.
Gorman Plaza
Dracut, MA 01826
978 957 6600
FAX: 978 957 6605
Steve Alborghetti, Manager

Job Seeker Services
Resume Writing
Resume Evaluation
Resume Creation
Resume Distribution
Resume Marketing
Resume on Disk
Resume Internet Posting
Personal Cover Letter Creation
Cover Letter Templates on Disk

Career Advice
Career Counseling
Career Evaluation
Outplacement Services

Getting to the Right Places
3.5 Million Jobs Updated Daily
105,300 Recruiters
Mass E-mailing from Your Computer
8 Million Company E-mail & Profiles
14 Million Company Mailing Service

State-of-The-Art Marketing
Job Seeker Personal Web Sites
Company Web Site Creation
E-commerce Web Site Creation

Assistance Levels
High School Students
College Students
Entry Level Job Seekers
Senior Management
Chief Executive Officer

Location Assistance
United States
International Locations

Recruitment and Services
Recruiting for Companies
Job Search All Industries
Job Search entry-level to CEO
Software Engineers for Projects
Software Engineers for Contracts
Software Engineers for Permanent

résumé forms
original résumé
business partner relationships
cover letter bullets
recruiter cold call letter
Office Hours
Monday through Friday
9:00 AM -- 5:00 PM
Wednesday & Thursday
Evening Appointments
As Scheduled
Powered By:
Bluegrass, Inc.
Software Consultants
